Prof.Dr.Osman Aydınlı

Ana Sayfa ●●● Özgeçmiş ●●● Yayın Listesi ●●● Kitaplar ●●● Makaleler ●●● İletişim ●●● Ziyaretçi Defteri



● Üyelik



Beni Hatırla

Şifremi Unuttum

Üye Olmak İstiyorum


● En Çok Okunan Makaleler

Mu’tezile Ekolü: Teşekkülü, İlkeleri ve İslam Düşüncesi’ne Katkıları
Mutezile'nin İmamet Nazariyesi Teori Pratik
Mu'tezilî Anlayışta Zühd ve Takva Boyutu
Mutezilî Siyaset Düşüncesinde Değişim Süreci
İlk Mu’tezile’nin Özgür İrade Söylemi –Amr b. Ubeyd ve Kader Anlayışı-


● Makale

Ascetic and Devotional Elements in the Mutazilite Tradition -The Sufi Mutazilites-

The Muslim World, April 2007, vol. 97, no: 2, 2007

The Mutazilite thinkers are most often defined as rationalist, individualist, liberal and eccentric figures. To the above qualities, one should add ascetic and devotional aspects. Among the Mutazilite famous ascetics are Abū Mūsā al-Murdar and his followers, Ja‘far b. Harb, Ja‘far b. Mubashshir and ‘Īsā b. al-Haytham. The accounts about these figures vigorously reflect the Mutazilite outlook of the ascetic life and practices. As a matter of fact, one can see the ascetic propensities in all the sects and schools of the early Islamic period. In view of their emphasis upon the love for God, they placed piety and austerity at the center of the relationship between the servant and God. In this context, this article attempts to provide insights into the pietistic dimension of the Mutazilite tradition.

Mutazilite, asceticism, piety, tasawwuf, ascetic, Sufi, Abū Mūsā Murdar, Ja‘far b. Harb, Ja‘far b. Mubashshir, ‘Isā b. al-Haytham.

     (c) 2008 AYDINLIWEB